Podcast 3: Book to Screen Adaptations


Book to Screen Adaptations:

By: Cathy Terefenko

[0:00]: Introduction

[0:16]: Spoiler Alert

[0:21]: Cutting Details for Lack of Time

[1:05]: Changing a Character for Simplicity

[1:30]: Fan Favourite Alterations

[2:09]: Changing the Ending

[2:56]: CGI Effects

Voldemorts Death

Portal Scene


what the…



[4:30]: Comments and Links

[4:48]: Outro and Next Week


Books Mentioned:

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Princess Diaries: Forever Princess by Meg Cabot

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling

The Hunger Games by Suzane Collins

Gossip Girl: I Will Always Love You by Cecily von Ziegesar

Movies Mentioned:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

City of Bones

Princess Diaries 2

Gossip Girl

The Hunger Games


Work Cited:

City Of Bones. Dir. Harald Zwart. Perf. Jamie Campbell Bower, Jily Collins. Sony, 2013. Youtube. Web. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yifGnDuAuU8&feature=youtu.be&t=1m3s&gt;.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Dir. David Yates. Perf. Daniel Radcliffe, Ralph Fiennes. Warner Bros, n.d. Web. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtX6xPu7DAg&feature=youtu.be&t=1m48s&gt;.


Podcast 2: Published Fanfiction


Published Fanfiction

By: Cathy Terefenko

[0:00]: Introduction

[0:12]:Definition of Fanfiction

[0:23]: Clarification of Definition

[0:43]: How It All Began (Jane Eyre and Emma)

[1:05]: Modern Pride and Prejudice Adaptations

[1:36]: Genre Melding (Classic and Fantasy/Sci-fi)

[2:13]: Links to Books

[2:27]: Personal Recommendations

[2:36]: Why the changes?

[2:59]:Twilight and How Published Fanfiction got Popular

[3:42]: Cover homage


So Similar to Twilight…but with grey…

[4:07]:More Research

[4:30]:The Future? Comment!

[4:46]: Outro and Next Episode Topic


List of Twilight Published Fanfiction

List of Upcoming and Past Published Twilight Fanfictions

List of Published Pride and Prejudice Fanfictions

List of Other Published Fanfictions


Books mentioned in Podcast: (Recommendations are *)

Android Karenina by Ben H. Winters & Leo Tolstoy

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Ben H. Waters & Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith & Jane Austen

50 Shades of Grey by E. L. James

Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding*

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries by Bernie Su & Kate Rorick*

The Unidentified Redhead by Alice Clayton*

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton*

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen*

Emma by Jane Austen*

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer


Work Cited:

“Fanfiction.” My.access — University of Toronto Libraries Portal. Oxford Press, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <http://www.oed.com.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/view/Entry/68000?redirectedFrom=fan+fiction#eid4735563&gt;.

Fifty Shades of Grey Coverart. Digital image. WordPress. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

Harris, Jocelyn. “Jane Austen, Jane Fairfax, and Jane Eyre.” Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal Vol 29 (n.d.): n. pag. “” by Harris, Jocelyn. 2007. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <http://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-179934393/jane-austen-jane-fairfax-and-jane-eyre&gt;.




Podcast 1: Tropes That Need To Die

Trope That Need To Die

By: Cathy Terefenko

[0:00]: Introduction

[0:17]: “Alpha Bitch”

[1:18]: “Everyone Gets A Love Interest”

[2:05]: “Oblivious Parents”

[2:50]: “Adult Who Knows Everything”

[3:40]: “Love Triangles”

[4:40]: Sign Off



Image citation:

Twilightguide. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.

The Interview Process

Planning the interview with Rida was complicated in the beginning because aside from class, we have conflicting schedules. When we finally managed to sit down and interview one another, we only had a vague sense of what the other person wanted to focus their podcasts on. We did the interview at my home, and had a few attempts at the actual interview because the house phone kept ringing.


The interviewing aspect became harder the more takes we did because we would unknowingly answer a question the interviewer had before they could ask it, which left for some silences while they tried to skip over the discussed aspects and find the new talking point further on the list. The transcribing as easy, but tedious. I put the audio on half-speed to I could type as I listened to the edited audio. Editing the audio was also easy, but a new experience for me since I have never edited sound before. I found myself listening to idiosyncrasies in Rida’s and my own speech that I had never notices before, like long pauses in between words or filler phrases like “um” or “uh.”


Posting my interview online was by far the most difficult aspect of this assignment for me because, at first, wordpress wouldn’t let me upload it because it was .30mb over their limit and it would not let me embed it from soundcloud. Luckily, Rida talked me through it and I was able to embed it on both my blog and the class wiki.

Associating Sound with Word

I never really thought of myself as an auditory learner, but I have found that listening to someone read something aloud in addition to reading it yourself does reinforce learning. Personally, when I listen to someone speak, I listen to their pronunciation. So much so that I occasionally get distracted by how they pronounce certain words, like ee-ther or eye-ther, or sup-oh-seb-ly or sub-pose-ed-ly.

There was a group of children that I used to watch and every week we would since a popular song to get our energy up for the upcoming physical sport but also as a sitting activity right after snack time. I found that it helped some of the younger children(who could not yet read themselves) sing along if before playing the music, we took the time to say all the lyrics without any instruments playing.  The music was a crutch for some of the younger children who knew that the word sounded similar to (so they would mumble something that seemed like it) and just wait for the chorus to repeat itself. However, once we started to show the younger kids how to pronounce the words, they were more likely to sing along to the whole thing because they knew what the singer was saying, and not just the general idea of how the word sounded along to the music. That being said, some of the older kids had trouble disassociating the words from the music and would occasionally slip into singing the words instead of saying them.



Cathy Terefenko

Podcast Series: Welcome to Night Vale
Episode: 35-Lazy Day

“Welcome to Night Vale” is a 25-30 minute podcast, set in the fictional town of Night Vale. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin, the towns eccentric, queer local radio show host, the podcast explores the happenings about town. The episodes usually focus around one or two odd happenings about town—whether it is the sheriff’s secret police looking for a missing child warrior or the suspicious glow cloud returning.
Episode 35, “Lazy Day” focuses on the town falling into a lackadaisical slump, what happens to the children who escaped the Library Summer Reading Program Massacre and a totally safe and not at all dangerous new cereal being produced by John Peters, you know, the farmer.
This episodes “weather” song is “Mijn Manier” by Brainpower. Are they long? Yes. If you stop paying attention for a moment, will you be completely lost? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.